Paying Big Premiums For Small Claims?

Our Risk Retention Plan is the alternative P&C insurance that commercial businesses have been seeking.


In today’s market, we see insurance premiums on the rise, reductions in coverage, and a greater burden being placed on the insured, not the insurer. High-performing mid-market businesses now have the power to buy their own commercial insurance on their own terms and transform insurance from a cost to a potential profit center.


Business owners are subsidizing less well-run businesses – that’s how the general insurance market works. These owners have never had the power to buy their own commercial insurance on their own terms, until now.

Reduce Total Cost of Risk

An 831(b) Plan can be a tremendously flexible tool to gain long-term advantage.

Greater Influence Over Claims

The active engagement of clients in their claims is positively encouraged

Reduce Coverage Disputes

As primary insurer, the client can influence the interpretation of intent behind policy coverage